What/who/how much… question words

なに / なん = what

いくら = how much (いくらですか = how much is is? このとけいはいくらですか = how much is this watch?) 

どれ = which one (use with が not with は – > どれがあなたのえんぴつですか = which one is your pen?) 

どの + noun = which [noun]. Question word and also used with が. どのとけいが1000えん ですか = which watch is 1000 yen? 

どこ = where (トイレはどこですか = where is the toilet?) 

だれ = who (だれですか = who is it?)

いつ = when (いつが暇ですか = when are you free?)

どう = how (これはどう書きますか = how does one write that? どうですか = How is it?)

なぜ / どうして = why (その本はなぜつまらなかったんですか = why was that book boring?)

use 〜んですか instead of only 〜ですか if you want more of an explanation instead of only a short answer